Tel: 020 7433 1444

Doctor Today

Private Medical Centre


Services and Prices - Sexual Health

Choose a Service
FAST STD testing £305.00
Sexual health consultation £100.00
Basic sexual health screening (includes sexual health test consultation) £270.00
Full sexual health screening (includes sexual health test consultation) £345.00
HIV test (includes mandatory sexual health test consultation) £195.00
Executive Sexual Health Screen £460.00
Sexual Health screen for Gay Men £490.00
Cervical smear (liquid-based cytology, includes sexual health test consultation) £250.00

FAST STD testing

Tests include: HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. Same day results (for appointments before 12.30pm). 

For men - urine and blood sample only. NO swab needed!

The screening fee includes an in-depth discussion about your worries in this area, in addition to full lab costs for the tests outlined above. The consultation at which you are given your results is included in the screening fee. However, confirmatory or follow-up laboratory testing at a later date (recommended in high-risk situations or given an initial positive result) will incur extra costs according to the individual test(s) required (see price list).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page. 

Sexual health consultation

At Doctor Today we provide a discreet, confidential sexual health (STD) test consultation service. Our sexual health clinicians are sympathetic and non-judgmental and at all times their top priority is to help you, so you can approach them with confidence. The tests we use are chosen for their accuracy and ability to minimise patient discomfort.

Patients who make use of this service usually fall into one of three groups:

  • Patients who do not have symptoms but have had unsafe sexual contact with one or more partners of unknown status
  • Patients who have symptoms (such as urethral or vaginal discharge, sores or burning on passing urine after recent sexual contact)
  • Couples who wish to obtain a clean bill of health before embarking on a new relationship or trying for pregnancy
If you have symptoms, appropriate tests will be recommended. For most conditions, tests are not compulsory before treatment but you should be aware that all medications may have side effects and to cover all possibilities you may have to take a wide spectrum of medication, some of which may not be necessary. Whether have symptoms or not, you may wish to undergo a full sexual health screen where the consultation and a comprehensive set of tests are included in one cost-effective package (more information). 

You should also be aware that any test performed may be negative in the very early stages of some diseases (such as HIV) and that a single negative test does not necessarily guarantee disease-free status. Therefore, a second test is recommended six weeks after any high-risk sexual activity (e.g. intercourse with unknown partners). If tests are done on urine or blood, you will be notified that the results are ready as soon as we have received them from the laboratory. Usually this is within 48 hours. HIV results, for example, are usually available on the same day for those with weekday appointments before 2pm, and by 11am the next business day morning for those with appointments between 2pm and 7pm. Certain more complicated tests (e.g. those involving lab cultures) may take longer. As STIs may also affect your partner(s) it may be recommended that they also be screened or treated. The second consultation in which you are given your results is included in the initial price, but you do have to pay for any further lab tests performed and/or necessary medications which are prescribed. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.

Basic sexual health screening (includes sexual health test consultation)

Doctor Today offers a comprehensive set of sexual health tests. There are two levels of screening, which are different for men and women. Depending on risk and known exposures, the clinician will recommend an appropriate package for you as follows:

STI profile 1 (male)

  • includes a sexual health test consultation and tests for chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, ureaplasma and mycoplasma. Swabs (urethral), urine and blood are taken.

STI profile 3 (female)

  • is as for STI profile 1. Swabs (vaginal), urine and blood are taken.
The screening fee includes an in-depth discussion about your worries in this area, in addition to full lab costs for the tests outlined above. The consultation at which you are given your results is included in the screening fee. However, confirmatory or follow-up laboratory testing at a later date (recommended in high-risk situations or given an initial positive result) will incur extra costs according to the individual test(s) required (see price list).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.

Full sexual health screening (includes sexual health test consultation)

Doctor Today offers a comprehensive set of sexual health tests. There are two levels of screening, which are different for men and women. Depending on risk and known exposures, the clinician will recommend an appropriate package for you as follows:

STI profile 2 (male)

  • includes a sexual health test consultation and tests for chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, ureaplasma and mycoplasma as well as HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Urine and blood samples are taken.

STI profile 4 (female)

  • as for STI profile 2. Swabs (vaginal), urine and blood are taken.
The screening fee includes an in-depth discussion about your worries in this area, in addition to full lab costs for the tests outlined above. The consultation at which you are given your results is included in the screening fee. However, confirmatory or follow-up laboratory testing at a later date (recommended in high-risk situations or given an initial positive result) will incur extra costs according to the individual test(s) required (see price list).

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.

HIV test (includes mandatory sexual health test consultation)

What is HIV?

HIV is a viral infection that is transmitted by intimate sexual contact, infected blood, sharing needles or stick injury, pregnancy and birth.

The clinical signs of HIV infection may not appear until the disease is well advanced, but flu-like symptoms may occur at any time from 1 to 3 months after infection starts; these include enlarged lymph nodes, fever, headache, muscle pains and tiredness. The AIDS syndrome which occurs in up to 50% of carriers may not appear until many years later when the destruction of the immune response leads to progressive inability to fight infections, wasting and certain cancers. Usually an HIV carrier will remain infective in spite of not having the overt signs of AIDS - you cannot tell if someone is an HIV carrier just by looking at them.

Prevention is the best strategy (safe sex, avoid sharing needles) since there is at present no effective vaccine. For those infected with HIV, cure is problematic. Modern therapy can do much to improve quality of life and to reduce viral load and infectivity, however, so the sooner the treatment is started the better.

HIV Testing at Doctor Today

The test used at Doctor Today to diagnose HIV infection is called the HIV-DUO. This costs £100 inclusive of a sexual health consultation and tests for both HIV 1&2 antibodies (formed in reaction to the virus) and the p24 antigen (part of the virus itself) for earlier diagnosis. Results for this test are usually available within one working day (usually on the same day for those with weekday appointments before 2pm, and by 11am the next business day morning for those with appointments between 2pm and 8pm). This test will usually become positive from 4 weeks after the contact which causes infection. For confirmation purposes, a second test at 3 to 6 months is advised if the initial test is negative. If both are negative, you can be very sure (99.99%) you are not infected with the HIV virus (this is of course provided no further contacts occur in the meantime; you are advised to maintain a policy of safe sex during this period). If earlier diagnosis is required, the HIV-1 proviral DNA by PCR test can be done from day 10 to 14 post-contact, but is more expensive; in addition, not only do results take longer (several days), but the test is also not quite as general as the DUO as it applies only to HIV-1 infections (the normal type). HIV-2 infection is more common in West African countries and if your contact may have been in this area, you should back up the HIV-1 proviral DNA test with a DUO test at 4 weeks.

If your initial test is positive, we perform further confirmatory tests for you free of charge. This consists of three divergent methodologies to cross-check the positive result, as clearly a firm and accurate diagnosis is of the utmost importance. If a positive result is confirmed, we are able to advise you appropriately and to refer you to a specialist clinic for further management.

Why we do not use "instant" HIV Tests

The directors of Doctor Today have taken the view that so-called "instant" HIV testing by the INSTI or other point of care method will not be offered at this time to our patients for the following reasons:

In areas of low HIV prevalence such as UK, 6 out of every 7 positive instant tests are in fact likely to turn out to be negative, so patients may be given unnecessary anxiety for no good reason.

  • There is also a small but appreciable false negative rate with instant tests (i.e. test shows negative but in fact the patient is positive), which could be disastrous for the patient and their partners if the instant test is relied upon.
  • An instant test is not a lot cheaper (at our clinic) than the HIV-DUO test. Any positive test would have to be followed up with by confirmatory testing which is more sensitive, so the cost of this would have to be extra. In our clinic the confirmatory testing after a positive HIV-DUO test is done free of charge to the patient. This can be very expensive if it is done separately and is something you need to take into account when choosing where to have your test done.
  • The instant test turns positive some time after the HIV-DUO test is positive (i.e. there is a longer "window period").
  • There is no p24 antigen testing with the instant tests which is a big advantage of the HIV-DUO test, the results for which are usually back within one working day.
For all the above reasons we feel the regular HIV-DUO test is still the most appropriate test for our patients, with the PCR test for those who feel they cannot wait. For further information please see the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV's guidelines on point-of-care HIV testing.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.

Executive Sexual Health Screen

In addition to the full sexual health screen tests (listed above), this also includes a blood test for herpes antibodies as well as a swab for HPV (human papilloma virus). HPV is linked to cervical cancer in women and genital warts in both women and men.

Sexual Health screen for Gay Men

In addition to the full sexual health screen tests (listed above), this includes a throat and rectal swab for chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

Cervical smear (liquid-based cytology, includes sexual health test consultation)

Cervical cancer is the twelfth most common type of cancer in women in the UK. Around 950 women in the UK die from this cancer every year. However, the number of cases diagnosed each year has fallen over recent years. This is because cervical cancer can be prevented by regular cervical screening tests.

Doctor Today offer cervical smears to all women who are sexually active and at risk of HPV and cervical cancer. 

The cost includes a consultation with one of our GPs who will take a full gynaecological history. Results are usually available within 3-4 working days. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.