Tel: 020 7433 1444

Doctor Today

Private Medical Centre


Services and Prices - General Health Screens

Choose a Service
Essential Health Check £225.00
Well Man health assessment £425.00
Well Woman health assessment £445.00
Extensive Health Check £645.00
Menopausal health assessment £450.00
Cardiovascular health assessment £325.00

Essential Health Check

We have designed a health check for those people who do not have major medical concerns but want to know where they are in terms of their health. This 30 minute health check is brilliant for those people who do not have a lot of time to sit through lengthy health assessments, but would like to be aware of any health issues that may creep up. The 30 minute health check, performed by our nurse or one of our GPs, includes:

  • Measurement of height, weight, body mass index. fat percentage, oxygen saturation, blood pressure and pulse rate.
  • Blood test for kidney and liver functions, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, uric acid levels, calcium levels and a blood cell count.
  • Resting ECG and Q risk calculation (predictor of cardiovascular disease)

We will compile a short report, including all your measurements and results, highlighting any problem areas that need further assessment or review. 

This health check does NOT include a full consultation and we strongly recommend that you follow up any abnormal results with your own GP or one of the GP's at Doctor Today.

Well Man health assessment

Our Well Man Health Assessment provides you the opportunity to have a full medical review of all the important areas relating to male well-being. Our package is designed to allow you to direct your assessment and to allow it to be as extensive as you feel is necessary.

We offer a Basic Well Man Health Assessment which covers core health issues, as well as a number of additional options to suit your individual needs. The basic assessment is based around a 1 hour consultation with a doctor, and includes:

  • A review of your personal medical history.
  • Measurement of your blood pressure, pulse, weight, height and Body Mass Index.
  • A clinical examination focusing on testicular and (for those over 45) prostatic health. This includes a detailed explanation of how and when testicular examination should be carried out.
  • Blood tests including full blood count, liver function tests, kidney function tests, iron stores, glucose level, lipid (cholesterol) profile, thyroid functions and prostatic profile.
  • A urine sample to tests for the presence of urinary infections, blood and glucose.
  • A resting ECG
The Basic Well Man Health Assessment costs £425. Optional additions (at extra cost) include:
  • Choice of two sexual health screens. Profile 1 (£100) includes tests for Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis. Profile 2 (£155) includes all the tests in Profile 1 plus tests for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Herpes.
  • Testicular tumour profile (£145). Testicular tumours are the most common tumours in males between the ages of 20 and 40, affecting 2 to 10 males per 100000 per year. This profile is a blood test that detects any levels of the tumour markers most commonly associated with testicular malignancies.
  • Testicular ultrasound (by referral).
  • Male pelvic scan for men aged over 40 (by referral). This is an ultrasound scan of the bladder and prostate.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.

Well Woman health assessment

Our Well Woman Health Assessment provides you the opportunity to have a full medical review of all the important areas relating to female well-being. Our package is designed to allow you to direct your assessment and to allow it to be as extensive as you feel is necessary.

We offer a Basic Well Woman Health Assessment which covers core health issues, as well as a number of additional options to suit your individual needs. The basic assessment is based around a 1 hour consultation with a doctor, and includes:

  • A review of your personal medical history.
  • Measurement of your blood pressure, pulse, weight, height and Body Mass Index.
  • A clinical examination focusing on breast and pelvic health. This includes a detailed explanation of how and when self breast examination should be carried out.
  • Blood tests including full blood count, liver function tests, kidney function tests, iron stores, glucose level, lipid (cholesterol) profile and thyroid functions.
  • A urine sample to tests for the presence of urinary infections, blood and glucose.
  • A cervical smear test done at time of pelvic examination.
  • A resting ECG.

The Basic Well Woman Health Assessment costs £445. Optional additions (at extra cost) for those aged under 40 include:

  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) testing on smear test sample (£95). HPV is also known as the "genital warts virus" and is linked to cervical cancer.
  • High vaginal swab (£65). This is normally undertaken for the investigation of vaginal discharge.
  • Choice of two sexual health screens. Profile 1 (£100) includes a high vaginal swab and specific tests for Chlamydia, Herpes Simplex and Syphilis. Profile 2 (£155) includes all the tests in Profile 1 plus tests for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
  • Pelvic ultrasound (we can refer for this)

Optional additions for those over 40 years of age include:

  • Ovarian cancer screening (£205). This includes a pelvic ultrasound and a blood test for CA125, which is a tumour marker specific to ovarian cancer.
  • A mammogram (by referral). We will refer you to the radiology department of a nearby private hospital where you will have the mammogram which will be reported on by an experienced radiologist. The mammogram is digital and as such you will be able to keep the images on a disc for comparison with future mammograms.
  • Menopausal blood profile (£115). This blood test can identify when you have entered the menopause.
  • Osteoporosis profile (£260). This consists of a blood test that examines parameters relating to the health and density of bones (£105), as well as referral to a private hospital for Bone Density Scanning (paid directly to the hospital).
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.

Extensive Health Check

Our extensive medical includes everything which is included in the well person medical assessment and much more including blood tests. The extensive assessment is based on around a 1 and half hour consultation with a GP which includes:

  • Review of your personal medical history.
  • Measurement of your blood pressure, pulse, weight, height and Body Mass Index.
  • A clinical examination focusing on breast and pelvic health. This includes a detailed explanation of how and when a self breast examination should be carried out.
  • Blood tests including full blood count, liver function tests, kidney function tests, iron stores, glucose level, lipid (cholesterol) profile thyroid functions, vitamin D, vitamin B12 folate and glycated haemoglobin.
  • Tumour marker blood tests
  • A urine test which is sent to our laboratory to test for the presence of urinary infections, blood and glucose.
  • Prostate profile (male)
  • A cervical smear test done at time of pelvic examination.(Female)
  • A resting ECG.
  • Lung function test
  • Calcium risk score
  • Referral for MRI/Ultrasound/Mammograms (Optional)

Optional Extras

• Choice of two sexual health screens. Profile 1 (£100) includes tests for Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis. Profile 2 (£155) includes all the tests in Profile 1 plus tests for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Herpes.

• Osteoporosis profile (£260). This consists of a blood test that examines parameters relating to the health and density of bones (£105), as well as referral to a private hospital for Bone Density Scanning (paid directly to the hospital).

• Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) testing on smear test sample (£95). HPV is also known as the "genital warts virus" and is linked to cervical cancer. (Female)

• High vaginal swab (£65). This is normally undertaken for the investigation of vaginal discharge.(Female)

• Menopausal blood profile (£115). This blood test can identify when you have entered the menopause.(Female)

Menopausal health assessment

Our menopausal profile focuses on hormone changes and is useful for woman who may be experiencing menopause symptoms and would like confirmation of menopause. The assessment includes:

  • A review of your personal medical history and menopause symptoms
  • Blood tests including full blood count, liver function tests, kidney function tests, iron stores, glucose level, lipid (cholesterol) profile and thyroid functions.
  • Blood tests including testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, progesterone, prolactin and oestradiol.
  • A mammogram (optional). We will refer you to the radiology department of a nearby private hospital where you will have the mammogram which will be reported on by an experienced radiologist.
  • A follow up appointment to discuss your results and potential treatment.
Optional extras 
  • Cervical smear test (£60)
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.

Cardiovascular health assessment

Our Cardiovascular Health Assessment provides you the opportunity to have a full medical review of all the important areas relating to a healthy heart. Our package is designed to identify those individuals at increased risk of heart disease, and to assist them in lowering this risk. The assessment is based around a 20-30 minute consultation with a doctor, and includes:

  • A review of your personal medical history.
  • Measurement of your blood pressure, pulse, weight, height and Body Mass Index.
  • A clinical examination focusing on the cardiovascular system.
  • Blood tests directed at assessing your risk of cardiovascular disease, including a cholesterol test and glucose test.
  • A resting ECG.
  • An assessment of cardiovascular disease risk using the Framingham 10-year risk equations.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or wish to make an appointment. For information on how to get in touch see our contact us page.